Hot Stamp Machines

DekotTech GmbH offers a wide range of different standard hot stamping machines – vertical hot stamp as well as roll-on machines – for the decoration of plastic parts. Since 2004 we represent the company United Silicone, market leader in the USA for hot stamping machines. We supply of course customized fully-automated hot stamping machines, which are made according your product need or your production requirements.

A hot stamping machine controls temperature, pressure and time in order to apply the hot stamping foil or the heat transfer on the part surface. A heated up silicone or brass die applies the contour of the die onto the part.

Vertical Hot Stamp Machines

Vertical hot stamp machines are ideal for the decoration with hot stamping foil or heat transfers. The part surface could be either flat or slightly formed. On cylindrical parts a decoration up to 90° is possible. Vertical hot stamp machines are available in different frames with a stamping pressure from 500kg up to 12 tons.

Roll-On Machines

The decoraton of large area part surfaces, configured flat or with a slight contour, s best acomplished with roll-on decoration. With this method a heated silicone rubber roller delivers heat and pressure through line contact with the part to apply foil or pre-printed heat transfers.
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